Amazing Forklift
Intersection Safety Floor Markers - NEW Product
from Safety Banners USA
• Low Cost
• Effective
• Easy installation
• Designed for forklift traffic aisles
• Built Forklift-Tough™
Our industrial and warehouse facility forklift intersection safety floor stickers are built to go on the floor IN YOUR FORKLIFT AISLES where your forklifts travel. They are built Forklift-Tough™.
Safety Banners USA forklift intersection safety floor stickers are designed to help prevent forklift-pedestrian accidents. Both the pedestrians and the forklift truck drivers benefit from our large, bright, highly visible markings at the intersection approach. Our intersection floor stickers are highly durable and anti-slip for maximum pedestrian safety.
The facility forklift intersection is one of the most dangerous places in an industrial facility and a warehouse environment. Forklift pedestrian accidents are one of the most reported warehouse incidents in the United States. Merely making pedestrians and drivers aware an intersection is ahead can go a long way in pedestrian-forklift accident prevention.
Forklift-Pedestrian Intersections in a warehouse, or any facility, can be a very dangerous area. There are a lot of very expensive attempts as solving forklift vs. pedestrian accidents. Some solutions work, and some not so much. At the end of the day, keeping facility intersections safe boils down to forklift driver and pedestrian awareness at every facility intersection.
Pedestrians and the forklift operators need to be paying attention to what they are doing at all times. Distractions and carelessness are the two main causes of intersection accidents. Our goal here at Safety Banners USA is to have simple, easy to install, low-cost solution for intersection safety. Our forklift intersection safety floor stickers and our standard forklift aisle floor stickers are just two of our ideas for Forklift-Pedestrian safety.
Industrial facility and warehouse forklift vs. pedestrian safety from Safety Banners USA.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.
Safety Banners USA
Germantown, Tennessee