ALL NEW Forklift Intersection Safety
• INNOVATIVE NEW  Highly Effective Approach.

• Forklift-Tough for IN-AISLE USE across your aisles.• Low Cost and EASY installation.
• Aisle Intersection Signs for your Rack Uprights. FLEXIBLE, bend when struck.

See all forklift intersection safety floor stickers

  © 2021, Safety Banners USA. All Rights reserved. Patent Applied For.

Facility Intersection safety floor stickers

Our forklift intersection safety floor stickers are built to go on the floor IN YOUR FORKLIFT AISLES where your forklifts travel - They are Forklift-Tough™    Our forklift intersection safety floor stickers and hanging banners provide forklift and pedestrian safety in a warehouse and industrial environment. All Safety Banners USA intersection floor safety stickers are Forklift-Tough™, non-slip, and designed to go in the forklift traffic aisle.

The intersection is one of the most dangerous places in a warehouse environment. Forklift pedestrian accidents are one of the most reported warehouse incidents. Merely making pedestrians and drivers aware of an intersection can go a long way in accident prevention, especially when workers often walk with their heads down these days.

Sometimes a floor sticker is hard for a forklift driver to see, so w make them in sizes from small to very large to cover all or your needs.

Forklift / Pedestrian Intersections in a warehouse or any industrial facility can be a very dangerous area. There are a lot of very expensive attempts as solving forklift vs. pedestrian accident solutions. Some work and some not so much. At the end of the day, keeping intersections safe boils down to awareness with forklift drivers and pedestrians paying attention to what they are doing at all time. Distractions and carelessness are the two main causes of intersection accidents. Our goal here at Safety Banners USA is to have simple, easy to install low cost methods for intersection safety.

If your company uses forklifts and has an intersection where both the forklift and the pedestrian enter, you need Safety Banners USA forklift intersection markers.

Safety Banners USA

Germantown, Tennessee

© 2021 Safety Banners USA All Rights Reserved. All images and designs are the property of Safety Banners USA. Patent Applied For.