Preventing Heat Stress and Heat Illness

When It's hot Heat Stress safety bannerDehydration and exposure too high temperatures for long periods of time can cause heat stress and heat illness. Outdoor workers are most at risk for heat stress, especially in hot weather andwhen it is hot hydrate heat stress safety banner high humidity. However, on occasion a facility may have high heat and humidity conditions for several reasons. Those are the times the facility safety manager needs to take extra precautions to ensure all workers do not subject to heat stress and heat illness.

Heavy sweating, fatigue, fainting, nausea, headache are all symptoms of heat stress and heat illness. Every year, thousands of people get sick due to heat stress. Through exposure to high temperatures, human internal temperatures rise and can cause heat rash, heat cramps, heat stress, or many more dangerous heat related conditions that require emergency medical attention. To prevent heat illness workplaces should have a heat illness and heat stress prevention program and should provide water, shady spaces to rest, breaks, a schedule that involves rotating work, and training and education for all employees. Heavy advanced equipment can be used at warehouses, distribution centers, manufacturing plants, and food and beverage facilities to reduce or eliminate heat stress. OSHA and the CDC stress avoiding heat stroke in external and internal environments. take time to cool down heat stress safety bannerTraining and educating employees will help to reduce heat stress incidents at the workplace.

Methods for Preventing Heat Stress and Heat Illness:

• Drink water every 20 minutes, even if you are not thirsty.
• If you feel light-headed, stop working immediately and take a break in a cooler area. Stay Hydrated heat stress safety banner
• Wear light color clothing and a light hat in the summer.
• Take periodic rest in shady areas.
• Stay cool to the best of your ability.
• Do not drink alcohol, as it will increase your risk of dehydration.
• If you must stand for a long time take time to stretch your leg muscles.
• If possible, schedule your work for cooler times of the day.
• Participate in all training.
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.

May the world be good to you, and you to the world.

Safety Banners USA
Germantown, Tennessee

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